This 5V LED lamp module offers a really bright light, which is compact and easy to mount. The unit is supplied with 9 white super flux LEDs, which collectively output around 16,000 mCd.
The unit incorporates current limit resistors, allowing it to be run from a 5V supply or 3 x AA batteries can be used (3 new batteries will last for around 5 hours).
The module makes a nice desk lamp when powered from a micro USB power supply (used to charge many phones, tablets and e-readers) which can be done by using our or .
Here is a video demonstrating the kit:
- Easy to build lamp kit.
- Battery or mains power.
- 9 x White Super Flux 5mm Water Clear LED - 80deg - 1800mCd.
- 3 x 33R Resistor.
- 1 x 5V LED Desk Lamp Kit PCB.
- PCB Length: 45mm.
- PCB Width: 45mm.
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- Either: 5V Wall Power Unit (some modification is required - see our tutorial for the mono amplifier kit ).
- Or: 3 x AA Batteries.
- And: 1 x 3 x AA Battery Cage with Leads and Switch.
- Or: 1 x Kitronik Micro USB Breakout Board, with Power Switch.
- And: 1 x Mobile Phone Charger & Wire.
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