The white Pumped penis extender is the ideal choice for men who want to add length and girth to their penis and seek permanent results. This penis extender by Shots Toys enlarges your penis using a special traction method with spring-loaded steel rods to support your body’s natural ability to change and develop new skin tissue under physical influence.
When you subject the penis skin tissue to constant stretching, the cells begin to divide and multiply, resulting in increased tissue mass. The penis stretcher has a comfortable design that is suitable for all penis sizes. Pumped’s new generation slide loading technology make this penis extender easier to use than any other developer before it.
You can wear the Pumped penis developer for up to nine hours a day. However, we recommend taking breaks every few hours, especially during the first few days of using the device.
Please read the instructions carefully before using the device. If you feel any pain or discomfort, stop using the device immediately.